
That is the winning answer!

By now making some SIMPLE NATURAL HEALTH CHOICES, here is what you, and all others with the Best Possible Health. WIN:


People who choose medical doctors to manage their health find themselves wasting too many of their precious life’s moments in

  • waiting rooms,
  • therapy sessions,
  • diagnostic laboratories,
  • hospitals,
  • under internment in impersonal, understaffed and abusive nursing homes, and,
  • interment, dead and buried far before their natural time.

People who make SIMPLE NATURAL HEALTH CHOICES find themselves enjoying those same precious life’s moments:

  • BEING wherever they choose to be,
  • DOING whatever they choose to be doing with whoever they choose to be doing it with,
  • HAVING whatever they choose to have, and generously sharing what they have with others, because they have the healthy capacity to always get more.




  • EASE.

  • While others around you struggle with life’s stumbling blocks, walls and other seemingly endless challenges, you take them in your stride and happily continue on your journey.

  • understand that medical doctors, although of tremendous value to the sick and injured, aren’t of much use to truly healthy people.
  • would rather be enjoying an active, unencumbered, joyous and blissful life than hanging out in waiting rooms and hospitals.

And, possibly you also know that:

  • Nature has already provided everything that is necessary for the best possible health, if we only know about it.
  • Chinese medicine has been studying, isolating and proving those Nature-provided solutions for thousands of years.
  • Naturopathic, Chiropractic, and other so-called “alternative” health practitioners have picked up where the Chinese left off, and are extending the science of health and healing far, far beyond the slow-moving, obscenely profit motivated drug and surgical industries.

So, are you someone who will appreciate learning the simple basics of all the accumulated natural health wisdom from throughout the ages, currently at no cost to you?


Then you are invited to join the Perfect Health: NATURALLY! community, which includes:
  • receiving the Simple Natural Health Tips newsletter at least twice each week, (possibly more as important issues arise),
  • Invitations to occasional podcasts, live and recorded video streams and pre-recorded audio programs,
  • guided access to:
    • the Doctor Regan Golob website (,
    • the Joyous Oasis website (
    • the Health Miracles Without Treatment website (,
    • the Health Talk For Horses website (,
    • this Perfect Health: Naturally! website (,
    • the Wizards of Wellness Essays and Articles website (,
    • Others, as pertinent natural health information is uncovered.

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  • A confirmation email will be sent to you immediately after you submit the form. You must confirm that it was you who submitted your information by clicking the link in that email in order to validate your membership. (This protects you from being enrolled by someone other than you.)
  • You will be able to immediately cancel your participation at any time. An Unsubscribe link is provided at the bottom of every e-mail you will receive.
  • If you are extra cautious and feel that you need more information about the sources of information and the people who research and report it before you participate, you may want to review the “About” page first.)

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