Dr. Golob recommends that healthy people fast for an extended period – 7 to
21 days - each spring, followed by maintenance fasting of one day each week. The
problem with this is that few people are healthy enough to be able to do this.
Here are some “ spring housecleaning” ideas for all the rest of us*.
1. Prepare yourself
Don’t even think about going from a meat-and-potatoes diet to any type of
cleanse. Taper off by reducing your meat and carbohydrate intake. Think of meat
as a condiment rather than an entrée. Replace all “’white” foods with green, red
or brown vegetables. For the last three days before “ fasting” eat only fruits
(not bananas ) and vegetables (no carbs). Fresh fruits and vegetables are best
if your digestive system is functioning properly. If you get indigestion from
raw vegetables, go back to mostly cooked vegetables – especially
Bieler’s Broth
– with a bit of raw parsley, spinach or kale added for
chlorophyll and enzymes. To enhance your digestion, mix ½ to 1
ounce of real apple cider vinegar in 8 ounces of clean water and
drink it when first getting up in the morning and just before
going to bed. (If you get indigestion, do this rather than
taking one of those horrid things that neutralize or block your
critically necessary stomach acid. It works better and keeps you
healthier in many, many ways.)
2. Gently Cleanse
A water fast is waaaaaay to radical for most of us. A gentle
and very effective alternative is defined in “The Master
Cleanse” by Stanley Burroughs. It is also known as the “ lemonade diet.” You should
read the book to fully understand the program, but the “ gist” of it is to make
lemonade with lemon juice (from real lemons), real maple syrup (not maple
flavored sugar solution), cayenne pepper and pure water to the following ratio:
1 ounce lemon (or lime) juice (also equals 2 Tbsp. or 30 ml)
1 ounce real maple syrup
1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper
8 ounces pure water
Having prepared yourself, this would be the only food that you would consume
for your cleansing period. Burroughs suggests a minimum period of 10 days up to
a maximum of 40, noting that the lemonade formula provides all the nutrients
needed to sustain good health while cleansing. Personally, I recommend that you
commit to a trial period of 3 days for your first time. Then, if you are feeling
good about the diet, you could extend it up to 11 days. I recommend against
going more than 11 days until you reach an advanced level of natural health. By
the way, those restaurant commercials may drive you nuts for the first 72 hours.
After that they become less intrusive. Many people report a feeling of blissful
euphoria after 72 hours, and they are not willing to trade it for a Big Mac.
Burroughs also recommends that you encourage bowel movements
with an herbal laxative tea or with a teaspoon of salt in 8 oz.
of water. If you do the salt water, be certain to use a pure sea
salt or
3. Ending the Cleanse
End your cleanse essentially the same way you entered it, only in reverse.
For the first day or two drink fruit and vegetable juices, then increase your
raw and cooked vegetables, finally adding meats back in as condiments, if you
still desire them. Many people decide to eat a vegan diet after a fast, at least
for a few months. The cleanse will also significantly enhance your mental
abilities, so you may find that you make better decisions afterward.
This abbreviated article was intended to get you interested enough in The
Master Cleanser to purchase a copy and study it. The portion you need to study
before cleansing is only 35 pages, the book is very cheap and it is an essential
addition to your perfect health library.
*All the usual caveats apply: Don’t try this if you are unhealthy, consult
with a COMPETENT health care professional before undertaking any radical changes
in diet, exercise or lifestyle. (If your health care professional cannot
converse intelligently about acid/alkaline balance, don’t put too much stock in
his or her advice.)