Don’t Believe It - Prove It!
Our creator bestowed us with a built-in mechanism
for determining the truth about anything.

by Bruce W. Chenoweth, S.I.P.E.

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It seems that there are as many opinions on what is healthy and what is not as there are people who speak or write on the subject. Most of it seems to make sense – at least in the moment. So how can you determine which is right and which is wrong for you? The answer has four parts:

1. Don’t just “believe” anything or anyone,

2. Test and evaluate everything,

3. Prove it beyond reasonable doubt, and,

4. Continue to be skeptical, even after you have proven it.

Fortunately, our creator built some very effective testing capabilities right into us. We have come fully equipped to naturally know what is good for us and what is not. The bad news is that most people have un-learned how to recognize and trust these inherent abilities. The good news is that it is easy to learn some simple techniques which apply them.

Did you ever wonder how grazing animals know to avoid poisonous plants such as nightshade, rhubarb leaves, etc. yet they will nibble on every edible plant right up to the very edge of the toxic plant? It is because they have not forgotten to “feel” and interpret the electromagnetic field[1] that each plant radiates. Here is a brief explanation about that:

Quantum physicists tell us that there really is no such thing as “matter” as we think of it. Although knowing this still doesn’t enable us to walk through trees, in reality all a tree or any other object consists of are space and energy fields. The energy just happens to be so tightly focused and selective that other energy fields are not able to easily pass through it. It is like attempting to press like fields of very powerful magnets together. Even though it seems that there is nothing between them, it is extremely difficult to do. Forcing them together

With magnets it is very easy to notice and identify the magnetic field, even though it is invisible to humans. What is not so easily noticed is that everything has a composite electromagnet field. It is because of these fields that our bodies can detect whether or not something benefits or harms us.

Few people have managed to retain the wisdom they were born with to naturally know what is best for them. There are simple techniques that will amplify our awareness and enable us to make good choices. Following are portions of a reprint of an article by Dr. Regan Golob explaining one technique called “Applied Kinesiology  (a.k.a. "Muscle Testing"):”


“… Kinesiology has been around since the ancient Egyptians, and is derived from ancient Chinese systems of acupuncture and the energy flow of the body through the ductwork of the meridian systems. In Western medicine, applied kinesiology has been adapted and developed by an osteopathic physician, Dr. Frank Chapman, and several [others] … Kinesiology is based on the discovery that muscle weakness can be caused by any stress in the body - chemical, physical or emotional. The stress overrides the body's priority and allows the testing muscle to weaken. …

When performing a muscle test, be sure the person being tested holds their arm straight out from the shoulder with the elbow locked in and the hand open. This is so the person does not bring in more than one muscle group. This test is really not a muscle strength test but one of neurological function. So you are looking for how fast they respond to the command of "Hold" at the same time you push down behind the wrist with a steady, gentle pressure. What you are looking for is an immediate strong lock-in for a positive response. If this test is negative, the person's arm will give to the pressure.

One can use this to find anything from a sore joint to a nutritional imbalance. So once you find the area of weakness, you start looking for what will make that area test or lock-in strong. How does it work to just hold the product in the person's other hand against their stomach? The body senses the magnetic field of the product (yes, even through the bottle) and that will change the energy within the body. Remember, the challenge is to be creative without being judgmental. The more you get your conscious mind in the way, the less accurate your tests will be. Most of the time I just pick up a product to test without even looking at it, so I can stay completely out of it.

There is much more to applied kinesiology. If you have further interest I recommend the book, "Touch For Health" by Dr. John Thie. Muscle testing can be a valuable tool to enhance your health and knowledge of your body's needs, including supplement choices.”

 My personal favorite resource for understanding and learning how to implement the amazing capabilities of muscle testing is the book Power vs Force by David R. Hawkins (see link at page bottom).

By learning, then applying muscle testing and other simple testing methods you will be assured that your decisions about specific foods, activities, medicines, and even life choices will support your perfect health goals.

[1] The vibratory field referred to has some properties that go beyond what we commonly accept to be an electromagnetic field, however, this is the closest common reference point within the knowledge base of most people.

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This page last updated 01/08/10











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