What's Your Plan, Man?
A simple and effective 9-step process for building a "high-rise" life.
by Bruce W. Chenoweth, S.I.P.E.

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Can you imagine the results of a carpenter trying to build a home without a plan? I mean no plan at all - not even a picture in his or her mind about what the finished home would look like - just start nailing together some random length boards with random-length nails from a pile of rubble found on a vacant lot. It would be a miracle if the finished product had any value at all. More than likely it would require that a public authority intervene for the protection of the carpenter and the general public.

Can you see a parallel here between the plan-less carpenter and the way most people construct their lives? Few people develop as detailed a plan for their lives as a hillbilly develops for his outhouse! Is it any wonder, then, that both types of structures end up as repositories for allegorically similar substance?

The first and largest obstacle to planning is that most people have never even learned to create a plan for successful lives. Even accomplished architects and engineers who plan enormous high-rise buildings seldom apply what they know about planning to making their lives run as smoothly as a construction project. This is particularly sad, given that the planning process is virtually the same in both instances, and a successful human life is immeasurably more valuable than any building ever constructed . The purpose of this article is to define and illustrate a simple, effective planning process.

The Planning Process


A great plan begins with a desire that certain conditions exist, or, do not exist. We all have had times in which we experience a "burning desire" for this or that. Unfortunately, well-meaning parents, teachers, friends and other authority figures usually extinguish our passion by convincing us that it isn't possible, or that for some reason we are not capable or worthy of accomplishing lofty goals. This is seldom malicious advice, but is based upon their own discouraging experiences with similar negative advice. When courage is displaced by conformity, all is lost.

When you notice the embers of desire still smoldering somewhere in your soul, protect yourself from those discouraging influences by remembering that the ones who would hold you back are not doing so well with their own lives, so what gives them any Godlike authority to dump on yours? "Physician, heal thyself!" Ignore your critics. Fan those embers! Add more fuel by studying and learning all you can about the object of your desire. With even just a little study, you may find that you are standing in your own "Acres of Diamonds," as Russel Conwell used to put it.


Even if you are certain that you are not presently capable of manifesting the object of your desire, recognize that even the greatest achievers throughout history were incapable of accomplishing much of anything at birth. Each and every person has learned and developed their abilities to enable them to do whatever they do. There is no valid reason why you cannot do the same, regardless of your age, experience or lot in life, especially respecting any object for which you have a burning desire!  Our creator doesn't create any staircases leading nowhere. If you have a burning desire, somewhere, somehow, its accomplishment is available to you.


Critical to development of a great plan is being able to "see*" the desired outcome clearly and completely before it actually exists in corporeal form. For a few people, this is an inherent ability which they would be hard-pressed to suppress. For most of us, it requires some special effort, including a quiet place and time, and the development of some form of deep relaxation and concentration process in order to "visualize*" effectively. (*The term "visualize" is generally accepted to include any non-corporeal sensory perception, i.e. vision, hearing, feeling, tasting, smelling and intuition.)

If visualization does not come easy for you, it can be easily learned. My favorite book on the subject is "Creative Visualization" by Shakti Gawain. (You can get a copy by clicking on the book name and ordering it directly.)

By "practicing" the enhancement of your vision several times each day you will not only improve your abilities at visualization, you will also begin the process of manifesting the object of your desire.


Chances are that you do not currently possess the specialized knowledge that you require to accomplish your goal. If you did, you wouldn't doubt your abilities, and likely would have already accomplished your goal.  There are several ways to gain the knowledge that you need:

  • Personal study: Find sources of the information you need through classes, books, research reports, the Internet, etc. and assimilate it into your own mind.

  • Cooperation and Alliances: Find the people who already possess the knowledge you need, in its entirety or in parts. Arrange with these people to assist you. This will usually require direct compensation for their efforts.

  • The Master Mind: This is when you form a continuing alliance with one or more others who have the same or a very similar goal, and work together to accomplish it. The other members of your group will still require some form of compensation, but that is often just the accomplishment of the mutual objectives.


Every worthwhile endeavor will require a certain amount of money, time and energy. Before the project is formally begun, these resources must be allocated to the project. If they are not immediately available, solid arrangements must be made to obtain and allocate them.


The building plan will be based on detailed documents and drawings that show:

  • the property lines;

  • where the building will be placed with respect to the property lines;

  • the excavation detail, or what preparatory work will be required before beginning to place the building;

  • a foundation plan;

  • framework construction detail;

  • enclosure details;

  • etc. ..

Virtually any worthwhile goal will require structural detailing which is analogous to each of the steps of designing a building. For example, designing an excellent nutritional program might include: 

  • Determining what nutritious foods are available in your geographical area (property lines);

  • Decide which of those foods will be most appropriate to your personal objectives (placement);

  • Which undesirable foods will you replace to make room for the preferred foods? (excavation);

  • What logical and emotional processes or models will you use to incorporate the changes? Affirmations? NLP? Self-hypnosis(foundation);

  • What menus will be used to properly combine and proportion the nutritious foods? (framework);

  • Will your menus be limited to only nutritious foods, or will there be openings for a limited amount of foods considered to be junk? (enclosure details),

  • etc...


When a builder receives the documents and drawings which define the structure, a detailed sequential plan will be created to provide step-by-step instructions to the subcontractors and tradespersons who will implement each piece. An excellent plan will start all the way back at the beginning, with:

  • a definition of the desire, (why this project is being undertaken);

  • the vision (artists rendering of the completed structure);

  • a statement of faith (projected completion date);

  • technical specifications and process definitions (specialized knowledge);

  • a complete set of the design documents and drawings (definition of structure);

Copies of the completed plan will then be distributed to the prospective suppliers, subcontractors and tradespersons to obtain their feedback and estimate or bid of cost. Based upon the feedback that is received, the plan will be adjusted and updated to reflect any necessary or desirable changes. Changes are usually made necessary by a determination that the plan is inconsistent with the allocated resources, or by the availability of new information received subsequent to the original design.

Continuing the nutritional program example above, a local produce outlet may not be able to provide a supply of naturally grown vegetables this season, but promises to set aside a field for growing natural foods next season if you can help develop a list of 30 new customers who promise to help purchase the produce. For this season you might compromise and decide to resort to a neutralizing vegetable wash until natural-grown foods are available.


Once all the preliminary and preparatory planning is completed it is time to make a final, irrevocable decision: to proceed or not to proceed. One of the values of an excellent plan is that it will point out any major flaws that would make it wise to either postpone or cancel the project. Although this is a rarity, this is the final time to allow such a decision. Once the project is committed to production it will be a grave error to allow anything to stop you from completing it. Obviously, this is the time to very carefully review your plan to be certain that there are no fatal flaws built into it.

Having decided to proceed, all that is required should be continuing action in support of implementing the plan. One of the values of a good plan is that the entire program - every step along the way - is predetermined. Few, if any, new decisions will be appropriate in the heat of production. No changes to the plan should ever be allowed without a thorough and complete evaluation, going all the way back to the original desire and working through each and every step along the way. Should a change truly be necessary and appropriate it will survive such scrutiny. Most, however, will have been based upon short-term frustration or confusion, and they will not survive such a test.


Earl Nightingale defined success as "The progressive realization of a worthy ideal or goal." With this definition, anyone who is in the process of working toward a worthy ideal or goal is a success. Anyone who is not working toward a goal is therefore a failure. Keep your goals always present in your mind and your actions.

NEVER GIVE UP in your pursuit of worthy goals. If you will consistently do this, you will someday notice that you are among the very few who have rich, fulfilling "high-rise" lives. You will have accomplished more in the previous year than most people do in their entire lifetime. You will have accomplished even more than you expected of yourself, and people will notice this. They will flock to you to learn your "secrets" of success. When they do, just ask them "What's your plan, man?" Then, when they give you that stunned "I have no response for that" stare, please give them a copy of this article and send them on their way.

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This page last updated 01/08/10











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